Sarojini Skin Clinic Premises, Waltair Main Road, Opp. Lane to Daspalla Executive Court, Visakhapatnam.

About Fetal Specialist
Dr.K.V.Sri devi is a consultant fetal medicine & OBG (Obstetrics & Gynecology ) ultrasound at Pinnacle Women’s Imaging center Visakhapatnam . she was the first gynaecologist to practice exclusively fetal medicine & Gynec Imaging in the state of Andhra Pradesh &Visakhapatnam. She has worked for more than 15 years in this field.
She specialized in 3D / 4D Ultrasound, Targeted USG, Fetal Echocardiography, and prenatal diagnostic procedures like amniocentesis, CVS, and fetal blood sampling. Prenatal therapeutic procedures like a fetal blood transfusion. She also has a special interest in 3D / 4D Gynec imaging for uterine anomalies. She is the Director of IAN Donald ultrasound training (South) & FOGSI ultrasound training program. Her center provides basic &; advanced ultrasound training in obstetrics & Gynecology.
She has trained over 500 specialists till date.
Dr.K.V.Sri Devi is a national & international speaker delivered many guest lectures at various conferences & workshops.


MBBS at J.J.M. Medical college. Davangiri
MS in Obstetrics & Gynecology from J.S.S.Medical College Mysore
Fellow in Fetal Medicine Mediscan systems Chennai
Diploma in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound (RCOG /RCR /UK)
Gynecology & Infertility Ultrasound-Gynic Academy
Fellow Indian college of obstetrics & Gynecology (FICOG).
ï‚· Diploma Invasive prenatal procedures ( Italy)


Present consultant Pinnacle women’s imaging center
Consultant Krishna IVF clinic,Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh . ( 2006-2016)
ï‚· Asst professor (Dept of OBG ) Sri Rama Chandra medical college, Chennai.

Accreditations and Academic appointments


Director Iandonald Ultrasound training program – South India
Director FOGSI Ultrasound training program – Pinnacle women’s imaging centre
Executive committee member – Society of Fetal Medicine
Executive committee member – OGSV (Obstetrics & Gynec society of Visakhapatnam)

Professional Memberships

Member - Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
* Member - Fetal Medicine Foundation UK (FMF)
* Member - International society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)
* Member - Obstetricians and Gynecologists Society of Visakhapatnam (OGSV)
* Member – Indian college of Obstetricians Gynecologists (ICOG)
* Life member - Indian Medical Association (IMA)
* Life member - Society of Fetal Medicine ( SFM )



2012 - Best paper - Prenatal diagnosis of isolated transverse facial cleft - ISUOG 8 TH Symphosium, Delhi
Prenatal diagnosis NTD at 9 weeks ISUOG, Hyderabad
2009 - A L Mudaliar travelling fellowship - FOGSI ,Chennai .
2003 - 1 st prize OG QUEST , SRMC,Chennai
2002 - AICOG Paper presentation, Bangalore
2001 – Best paper - Malaria in pregnancy - XV Karnataka state OBG association conference, Belgam .
Contributed to Various chapters in the Textbook.